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- Prohibition


Do not wear a garment of wool and linen

 “Do not wear mixed material of wool and linen together “Devarim 22:11

This is called kilayim/ mixed kinds of clothing.

Wool – means specifically the wool of sheep or rams.

Once wool and linen become combined into any sort of worldly material it becomes forbidden as kilayim by the law of the Torah.

If a person wears kilayim even temporarily even over 10 garments so that he derives no benefit from it at all or only to get it past the customs officials – he violates this prohibition.

Also if he covers himself with it he violates this.

By the law of the Scribes it is forbidden to sit on mats and spreads of Kilayim even if there are 10 soft spreads one on top of the other and the Kilayim is at the bottom, it is forbidden to sit on the top one.

This applies in all places at all times for men and women.

Do not wear a garment of wool and linen


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